Zsera Suite
We wanted to capture the essence of mystery surrounding the city of Zsera while also giving it a grand theme fit for its prosperity and supposed oasis-like mythos. The result is a suite of music that sort of follows its timeline, but in reverse. We begin where Zsera ended, shrouded in a foggy and aquatic veil of the unknown, the melody saturated in the sound of the sea, the squawking of the seagulls being the only thing you might hear now if you could travel there yourself. Over the course of the track we eventually surface, bringing us to the serene and bold statements that Zsera made in its time as a prosperous oceanic hub.
The Rumored Utopia
Not much is in known about the city of Zsera post-conflict. A lilypad metropolis located in the most remote reaches of the Pacific Ocean, all communication and transportation lines were cut off soon after the news of the uprisings in other parts of the world began to spread. Though only rumors, some say it is a city lost in time, free from the harsh fate that befell the rest of the planet; a place where man and machine are said to coexist, just as the outside world used to.